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The ATP 6

I was commissioned by Across The Pond to illustrate six 'stickers' for their website, corresponding to their six categories on their 'About' page.  I worked in collaboration with their Executive Creative Director and Head of Brand in order to deliver a product they could use proudly in alignment with their identity as a company.  

Initial Ideas and planning

The initial plans and sketches are all contained within this presentation - I pitched a few particular styles I wanted to go for in the making of this, questioning whether the artwork should be more rendered or simple in design. I was given prompts for each sticker and designed around those, a few more changes are seen in the presentation afterwards, in which we went back and forth until we found the final designs. 


After we had decided on the initial sketches, I went straight into working on the final products. I had a little less than two weeks to finish everything, and because I knew it was likely there would be changes I tried to work and communicate as often as possible. 

Sticker 1 - Sustainability

This sticker was the one I was the most confident on, so I started with it first. The idea stems from a previous Across The Pond project, celebrating Earth Day. It's an homage to the illustration made for that. I used this sticker to play with styles - I looked at cel shading and colour holding (where you colour in the lineart). We decided to go with the flat style for a more pop art appeal.



Colour Holding

Sticker 2 - Jobs

For this one, they wanted a fun sticker with a bit of attitude. Garfield was sited as an inspiration, but they wanted a Burmese cat based on an inside joke at the company - I liked this one, and came up with a few colour variations. In the end, the far right was chosen. 

Sticker 3 - DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion)

This sticker went through a few changes. The initial idea was letters on toast (like beans), with DEI in the middle. I proposed the idea of cereal, as it could be multicoloured with more variety and we could place emphasis on the DEI with a spoon. 

This was the initial finished, but it was noted that it didn't really read as cereal at first and looked a bit more like a magnifying glass, which I entirely agreed with. 


I redid the sticker - adding some perspective to the bowl and bunching the letters up.

Sticker 4 - mentorship

A fist bump was the goal - I liked the pose where both hands were facing forwards, it felt slightly more formal, whilst staying quite collaborative. The initial final felt a bit too masculine, so I made the left hand curvier and added a bracelet helping to achieve a more gendered feel. The final sticker lost the lines on either side as they made the sticker too large and distracting when next to the rest. 

Sticker 5 - Ditch the pitch

This sticker went through a lot of changes. The initial idea was typography, but mine looked a little too aggressive when it was supposed to be more of a statement. I put a few ideas together and the zeppelin was chosen because of the idea that they eventually 'come down.' Was asked to make a worn out one, but we ended up going with the normal blimp. Made the colours grayscale to emphasise an old fashioned look. 

Sticker 6 -SOcial Good

The prompt for this one was a megaphone, and I was given a few phrases that might go there. I chose OI OI, and experimented on ways I could make it interesting with overlays and overlaps. The megaphone was changed to green as each sticker kin of had it's own colour and green hadn't been used. The more simple version without the overlap in the text was chosen. 

Extra stickers - Location

I was kept on to do some extra stickers for their location page, based on their three offices. The idea was to have an iconic form of transportation in that city to represent it. A bus was chosen for London, the Skytrain for Singapore and the Tram for San Francisco.  

Initial Sketches

Change in Skyline Train for mine was initially inaccurate. 

Idea for a background that was scrapped to keep simplicity. 

Final Stickers.

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